Can Orthotics Help With Rheumatoid Arthritis?
While there is no cure for RA, there are various treatments available to help you manage disease progression, reduce pain, and help you stay active. Orthotic treatments are one of the non-surgical and non-medication options you might consider if the joints of your feet are affected by rheumatoid arthritis.
What Is Pitting Edema?
Pitting edema occurs because of a buildup of fluids that causes swelling, usually in the lower body. Edema is called "pitting" when there's enough swelling to cause a “pit" when pressing on the affected area. Non-pitting edema doesn’t leave a mark and is usually caused by fluids with relatively higher protein and salt content.
How an Achilles Tendon Rupture Is Treated Without Surgery
An Achilles tendon rupture is a traumatic injury that can cause significant disability after it occurs. This condition typically happens without warning and can make it challenging to walk or bear weight through your leg.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Venous insufficiency is a condition in which the veins have problems sending blood from the legs back to the heart.1 The blood vessels in your legs have one-way valves in them that prevent blood from flowing backward.
Leg Cramps at Night: Getting to the Bottom of Sharp, Aching Pain
Nocturnal (nighttime) leg cramps are painful muscle contractions of the calf, thigh, or foot muscles at night that can last several seconds or minutes.1 They often occur without warning and while resting in bed.